Monday, December 8, 2008

The Ozzie-Canuck dictionary

Culture shock aside, you'd expect things to be different when you're on the other side of the planet. Here is a list of words that are used here, and their translations to Canadian. Took me a while to figure them out, and here's all I've learned so far.

Slab - Two-Four (beer)

Pram - Stroller

Grog - Alcohol

Goon Bag - Wine in a Box

Arvo - Afternoon

Cracker - Usually in sports, a good hit or a good goal

Pelican - Idiot

That's all I can think up at the moment. I'll try and figure out more and edit the post later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, an elevator is called a "lift", a mile is called a "kilometer", and botulism is called "steak and kidney pie".
