Sunday, November 30, 2008


Whew, sorry about the long time between posts. I've been quite busy working.....and sleeping. Being the big season for funtions, we're usually booked without about 4-5 different functions per day. Which means at the end of the night, we have to clean everything and reset the room for whatever is happening in the morning. I've been getting home at around 2am, and then going back in for 12 the next day.

It's busy, but I like the work and with the world economy in the hole, I think I'd better take what I can when I can.

Anyway, the point of this post, as the title suggests, is the climate! Walking home at night is obviously cooler than during the heat of the day, and I'm actually feeling cold. It's 16 degrees out at night, and I'm shivering. Last night I put on the ridiculously heavy sweater I bought for winter back home, and was comfortable.

I'm absolutely screwed when I get back home and winter comes. I think I'll have to spend my leftover money on a few layers of warm clothes.

P.S. Got my first paycheque, woohooo! I'm officially a worker!


Dave Johnson said...

You old man you, cold at 16 degrees. Reminds me of the old fogies down in Florida. Good to hear all is well, stay down there for a while, it is getting cold and ugly up here.

Been getting up at 5:30 am, not liking this much but I guess I'll get used to it. Taking a nap around 10:30 am really helps. No I'm not getting old. Oh and yes I got my first paycheque too, a whole $89.00!! CANADIAN!!!

Remember all work and no play isn't worth it so make sure you get some time to enjoy things.

Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ry

Yeah!!!-pay cheque is good, and yes take it while you can. Sent you an email.
Love Mom