Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Behold! The common Australian house spider

(click to make bigger)

That fine creature is called a Huntsman spider. It is fairly common in Australia, and much like most spiders back home likes to go indoors when the weather sucks. Those legs are longer than my fingers, and the body is probably about a third the size of the palm of my hand.

Which begs the question, how do you get rid of it? You can't crush it because, well, it'll ruin your wall. And you can't really shoo it outside, because it'll probably just eat your hand. So they tend to become pets until the decide to leave.

Apparently they're completely harmless, but I wouldn't want to sleep in the same room as one of those. (This one was on the ceiling of Penny's room)


Business e-review said...

how big are they actuli..??

Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

Holy Sh*T! I would be freakin out if i saw that thing..cutos to u ry..i dont think i could deal with that..just like those massive moths in Cobo...yuk.

Dave Johnson said...

Oh my, now I am glad that I'm up here in the cold north. I don't have much fear of spiders, but I agree this is getting a bit large. Hope you are doing well.


Anonymous said...

Well, that's quite the pet - glad it's not up here! Sounds like you're doing OK. Nice that you were able to help with the party. We're going to the Eastern Townships - 1.5 hours east of Montreal- for an extended (and well deserved (we're both dead)!) Thanksgiving weekend. Keep us topped up - love to read all about what you're up to!
Love Mom & Gord Hi to Penny!
Love Mom

Barb Chapman said...

Oh my, I don't think I could handle living with these close by ... I'll stick to our dock spiders !! At least they're about 100 yeards away from my bed. Hope the cold is getting better.